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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad Breath (Halitosis) Bad breath is caused by the action of various biochemical substances and microorganisms in the oral and gastrointestinal tract, as well as foul-smelling gases formed as a result of some chemical reactions. These biochemical substances occur as a result of food residues or some systemic diseases. In this context, the most effective way to prevent bad breath is oral hygiene. But although short-term bad breath occurs as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in the mouth; the presence of a general health problem in the presence of constant odor should definitely be investigated.
The factors that cause bad breath are as follows:
» Food scraps
» Dental caries
» Teethstones
» Gingivitis
» Long-term hunger
» Throat inflammations
» Gastrointestinal diseases
» Diabetes (diabetes disease)
» Kidney diseases
» Sinusitis
» Sleep apnea
» Smoking and alcohol consumption
» Caffeine
» Some vitamin deficiencies
» Respiratory disorders
» Drugs used
» Dry mouth
The most effective method of removing bad breath is to ensure oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day, facial brushes should be used in the necessary areas, dental floss should be used decently. Tongue and cheek cleaning are also very important. Patients using dentures should remove their dentures at night and clean them before use. Bruises and abscesses found inside the mouth need to be treated. If results cannot be obtained despite all these efforts, it is necessary to refer the patient to a specialist physician who will investigate other health problems.

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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad Breath (Halitosis) Bad breath is caused by the action of various biochemical substances and microorganisms in the oral and gastrointestinal tract, as well as foul-smelling gases formed as a result of some chemical reactions. These biochemical substances occur as a result of food residues or some systemic diseases. In this context, the most effective way to prevent bad breath is oral hygiene. But although short-term bad breath occurs as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in the mouth; the presence of a general health problem in the presence of constant odor should definitely be investigated.
The factors that cause bad breath are as follows:
» Food scraps
» Dental caries
» Teethstones
» Gingivitis
» Long-term hunger
» Throat inflammations
» Gastrointestinal diseases
» Diabetes (diabetes disease)
» Kidney diseases
» Sinusitis
» Sleep apnea
» Smoking and alcohol consumption
» Caffeine
» Some vitamin deficiencies
» Respiratory disorders
» Drugs used
» Dry mouth
The most effective method of removing bad breath is to ensure oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day, facial brushes should be used in the necessary areas, dental floss should be used decently. Tongue and cheek cleaning are also very important. Patients using dentures should remove their dentures at night and clean them before use. Bruises and abscesses found inside the mouth need to be treated. If results cannot be obtained despite all these efforts, it is necessary to refer the patient to a specialist physician who will investigate other health problems.

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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad Breath (Halitosis) Bad breath is caused by the action of various biochemical substances and microorganisms in the oral and gastrointestinal tract, as well as foul-smelling gases formed as a result of some chemical reactions. These biochemical substances occur as a result of food residues or some systemic diseases. In this context, the most effective way to prevent bad breath is oral hygiene. But although short-term bad breath occurs as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in the mouth; the presence of a general health problem in the presence of constant odor should definitely be investigated.
The factors that cause bad breath are as follows:
» Food scraps
» Dental caries
» Teethstones
» Gingivitis
» Long-term hunger
» Throat inflammations
» Gastrointestinal diseases
» Diabetes (diabetes disease)
» Kidney diseases
» Sinusitis
» Sleep apnea
» Smoking and alcohol consumption
» Caffeine
» Some vitamin deficiencies
» Respiratory disorders
» Drugs used
» Dry mouth
The most effective method of removing bad breath is to ensure oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day, facial brushes should be used in the necessary areas, dental floss should be used decently. Tongue and cheek cleaning are also very important. Patients using dentures should remove their dentures at night and clean them before use. Bruises and abscesses found inside the mouth need to be treated. If results cannot be obtained despite all these efforts, it is necessary to refer the patient to a specialist physician who will investigate other health problems.

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