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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Gum Treatments

Gum Treatments Healthy Gums
» The gum is pale pink in color and has a matte appearance.
» It follows the contours of the tooth and wraps the teeth tightly.
» There is no redness, swelling and bleeding.
» There is no aching, pain and tenderness.
» There is no bleeding of the gums during brushing, flossing, or out of nowhere.

Gum problems occur due to plaque that accumulates on and around the tooth. Gum diseases are inflammatory diseases that are likely to progress from the gums surrounding and supporting the tooth to the bone. Its progression can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, when the gums are red, swollen or sensitive, bleeding occurs in the gums during brushing or flossing, the teeth appear for a long time, changes in the tooth alignment occur as soon as the mouth closes, inflammation occurs between the teeth, constant bad breath or bad taste in the mouth should definitely be checked and treated by a dentist.

Dental Stone Cleaning and Curettage
Tartar or tartar is formed when plaque, which cannot be removed, solidifies with minerals it receives from saliva. First of all, these appendages, which are yellowish in color with a soft consistency, begin to solidify if they are not removed from the tooth surfaces with effective oral care. After solidification, professional dental calculi cleaning should be performed by a dentist to remove them from the fact that they are stuck to the tooth surface.

The most important step that needs to be done to minimize the formation of tartar is to provide effective oral care. Teeth should be brushed with the right technique, 2 times a day, for 2 minutes, using dental floss or an interface brush. Bacterial plaque should be removed from the environment before it hardens. Even if an effective cleaning is provided after hardening, plaque cannot be removed from the environment and causes more tartar formation. Although adequate oral care is provided, there is an accumulation of tartar in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth.

When deep gingivitis occurs, tartar begins to accumulate on the root surface of the teeth. A professional dental calculus cleaning performed to remove dental calculi located around the gum and on the root surface is called curettage. In cases of inflammation spreading to the root surface, deterioration of the shape of the gum and bleeding are the most common symptoms. With curettage therapy, irregularities that occur on the root surface are removed and inflammations are removed from the tooth surface. In the curettage process, superficial dental calculi are cleaned first. Then, stones on the root surface are cleaned with special tools by applying local anesthesia. With the numbness provided during this procedure, patients do not feel any pain or discomfort.

There is no damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues with the tools used in dental calculus cleaning and curettage procedures. The cavities that form in the teeth when dental calculi are cleaned are anatomically the cavities found in every individual. After these procedures, hot and cold sensitivity may be experienced, and short-term bleeding may occur. When oral care is performed as recommended by the doctor, problems such as swelling, pain, bleeding experienced in the gums will disappear.

Gum Withdrawal
Gum removal is when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth retracts, exposing the root of the tooth. This is one of the most common mouth problems. It can be seen at almost any age. Gum removal can occur for various reasons. The main reasons for this are poor oral hygiene. Inadequate dental cleaning and lack of regular and proper oral care contribute to the transformation of plaque between teeth into tartar. Gum removal is inevitable if these dental stones are not removed in time with the help of professional cleaning. In addition, we can list the factors that cause gum removal as follows:

» Periodontal diseases
» Tobacco use
» Grinding of teeth/ clenching of teeth (bruxism)
» Genetic factors
» Pregnancy
» Hormonal changes
» Some systemic diseases
» Crooked teeth

The most important symptom of gum retraction is gum sensitivity. In addition, we can list the bleeding that occurs normally on the gums or during brushing, the appearance of teeth longer than usual, the redness and swelling observed on the gums.

For its treatment, first of all, in mild withdrawals, the affected area should be deeply cleaned by the dentist. Tartar removal is performed and then tartar on the root surface of the relevant tooth is removed; a smooth root surface is created that will make it difficult for bacteria to take hold. In addition, in case of advanced gum retraction, it is tried to replace the lost gum with various surgical interventions to be performed on the gum.

The most effective way to prevent gum retraction is proper oral hygiene. This problem can be prevented if oral and dental care is performed fully and regularly. Teeth should be properly brushed at least 2 times a day, dental floss should be used, and tartar cleaning should be carried out by a dentist in a professional manner at least once every 6 months.

Bleeding Gums
Gum bleeding, which usually occurs as a result of gum disorders, can also occur due to other health problems. Bleeding gums should not be seen as a normal thing that occurs in everyone, and the cause should definitely be investigated. In cases where the cause has been determined, treatment should not be postponed. We can list the causes of gum bleeding as follows:

» The formation of gingivitis with the failure to clean the plaque that occurs on the gum
» Insufficient attention is paid to oral care
» Improper use of toothbrush and dental floss
» Hormonal activities that change during pregnancy
» Some medications used, such as blood thinners
» Lack of certain vitamins and minerals as a result of unhealthy diet
» Diseases such as leukemia, platelet deficiency
» Stress
» Chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver and kidney failure
» Smoking
» Incompatible prosthetic use

If the plaque that occurs on the gums cannot be cleaned well, it leads to inflammation and bleeding of the gums. If the necessary treatment and precautions are not taken in this case, a disease called periodontitis may occur, which can cause jawbone and tooth loss as a result of the progression of gum disease.

The most common symptom in patients with gum problems is bleeding gums experienced during tooth brushing. In addition, symptoms such as red-purple gum color, swollen and edematous gums, sensitivity and whining occur when consuming hot and cold food are often experienced.

In order to prevent gum bleeding, it is necessary to find the cause first. In many patients, the cause of the disease can be determined by the dentist, and if necessary, it is referred to specialist doctors. In cases of bleeding caused by lack of oral hygiene, gum bleeding can be prevented with practices such as tartar cleaning, curettage and regular controls.
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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Gum Treatments

Gum Treatments Healthy Gums
» The gum is pale pink in color and has a matte appearance.
» It follows the contours of the tooth and wraps the teeth tightly.
» There is no redness, swelling and bleeding.
» There is no aching, pain and tenderness.
» There is no bleeding of the gums during brushing, flossing, or out of nowhere.

Gum problems occur due to plaque that accumulates on and around the tooth. Gum diseases are inflammatory diseases that are likely to progress from the gums surrounding and supporting the tooth to the bone. Its progression can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, when the gums are red, swollen or sensitive, bleeding occurs in the gums during brushing or flossing, the teeth appear for a long time, changes in the tooth alignment occur as soon as the mouth closes, inflammation occurs between the teeth, constant bad breath or bad taste in the mouth should definitely be checked and treated by a dentist.

Dental Stone Cleaning and Curettage
Tartar or tartar is formed when plaque, which cannot be removed, solidifies with minerals it receives from saliva. First of all, these appendages, which are yellowish in color with a soft consistency, begin to solidify if they are not removed from the tooth surfaces with effective oral care. After solidification, professional dental calculi cleaning should be performed by a dentist to remove them from the fact that they are stuck to the tooth surface.

The most important step that needs to be done to minimize the formation of tartar is to provide effective oral care. Teeth should be brushed with the right technique, 2 times a day, for 2 minutes, using dental floss or an interface brush. Bacterial plaque should be removed from the environment before it hardens. Even if an effective cleaning is provided after hardening, plaque cannot be removed from the environment and causes more tartar formation. Although adequate oral care is provided, there is an accumulation of tartar in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth.

When deep gingivitis occurs, tartar begins to accumulate on the root surface of the teeth. A professional dental calculus cleaning performed to remove dental calculi located around the gum and on the root surface is called curettage. In cases of inflammation spreading to the root surface, deterioration of the shape of the gum and bleeding are the most common symptoms. With curettage therapy, irregularities that occur on the root surface are removed and inflammations are removed from the tooth surface. In the curettage process, superficial dental calculi are cleaned first. Then, stones on the root surface are cleaned with special tools by applying local anesthesia. With the numbness provided during this procedure, patients do not feel any pain or discomfort.

There is no damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues with the tools used in dental calculus cleaning and curettage procedures. The cavities that form in the teeth when dental calculi are cleaned are anatomically the cavities found in every individual. After these procedures, hot and cold sensitivity may be experienced, and short-term bleeding may occur. When oral care is performed as recommended by the doctor, problems such as swelling, pain, bleeding experienced in the gums will disappear.

Gum Withdrawal
Gum removal is when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth retracts, exposing the root of the tooth. This is one of the most common mouth problems. It can be seen at almost any age. Gum removal can occur for various reasons. The main reasons for this are poor oral hygiene. Inadequate dental cleaning and lack of regular and proper oral care contribute to the transformation of plaque between teeth into tartar. Gum removal is inevitable if these dental stones are not removed in time with the help of professional cleaning. In addition, we can list the factors that cause gum removal as follows:

» Periodontal diseases
» Tobacco use
» Grinding of teeth/ clenching of teeth (bruxism)
» Genetic factors
» Pregnancy
» Hormonal changes
» Some systemic diseases
» Crooked teeth

The most important symptom of gum retraction is gum sensitivity. In addition, we can list the bleeding that occurs normally on the gums or during brushing, the appearance of teeth longer than usual, the redness and swelling observed on the gums.

For its treatment, first of all, in mild withdrawals, the affected area should be deeply cleaned by the dentist. Tartar removal is performed and then tartar on the root surface of the relevant tooth is removed; a smooth root surface is created that will make it difficult for bacteria to take hold. In addition, in case of advanced gum retraction, it is tried to replace the lost gum with various surgical interventions to be performed on the gum.

The most effective way to prevent gum retraction is proper oral hygiene. This problem can be prevented if oral and dental care is performed fully and regularly. Teeth should be properly brushed at least 2 times a day, dental floss should be used, and tartar cleaning should be carried out by a dentist in a professional manner at least once every 6 months.

Bleeding Gums
Gum bleeding, which usually occurs as a result of gum disorders, can also occur due to other health problems. Bleeding gums should not be seen as a normal thing that occurs in everyone, and the cause should definitely be investigated. In cases where the cause has been determined, treatment should not be postponed. We can list the causes of gum bleeding as follows:

» The formation of gingivitis with the failure to clean the plaque that occurs on the gum
» Insufficient attention is paid to oral care
» Improper use of toothbrush and dental floss
» Hormonal activities that change during pregnancy
» Some medications used, such as blood thinners
» Lack of certain vitamins and minerals as a result of unhealthy diet
» Diseases such as leukemia, platelet deficiency
» Stress
» Chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver and kidney failure
» Smoking
» Incompatible prosthetic use

If the plaque that occurs on the gums cannot be cleaned well, it leads to inflammation and bleeding of the gums. If the necessary treatment and precautions are not taken in this case, a disease called periodontitis may occur, which can cause jawbone and tooth loss as a result of the progression of gum disease.

The most common symptom in patients with gum problems is bleeding gums experienced during tooth brushing. In addition, symptoms such as red-purple gum color, swollen and edematous gums, sensitivity and whining occur when consuming hot and cold food are often experienced.

In order to prevent gum bleeding, it is necessary to find the cause first. In many patients, the cause of the disease can be determined by the dentist, and if necessary, it is referred to specialist doctors. In cases of bleeding caused by lack of oral hygiene, gum bleeding can be prevented with practices such as tartar cleaning, curettage and regular controls.
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Bumerang Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı

Gum Treatments

Gum Treatments Healthy Gums
» The gum is pale pink in color and has a matte appearance.
» It follows the contours of the tooth and wraps the teeth tightly.
» There is no redness, swelling and bleeding.
» There is no aching, pain and tenderness.
» There is no bleeding of the gums during brushing, flossing, or out of nowhere.

Gum problems occur due to plaque that accumulates on and around the tooth. Gum diseases are inflammatory diseases that are likely to progress from the gums surrounding and supporting the tooth to the bone. Its progression can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, when the gums are red, swollen or sensitive, bleeding occurs in the gums during brushing or flossing, the teeth appear for a long time, changes in the tooth alignment occur as soon as the mouth closes, inflammation occurs between the teeth, constant bad breath or bad taste in the mouth should definitely be checked and treated by a dentist.

Dental Stone Cleaning and Curettage
Tartar or tartar is formed when plaque, which cannot be removed, solidifies with minerals it receives from saliva. First of all, these appendages, which are yellowish in color with a soft consistency, begin to solidify if they are not removed from the tooth surfaces with effective oral care. After solidification, professional dental calculi cleaning should be performed by a dentist to remove them from the fact that they are stuck to the tooth surface.

The most important step that needs to be done to minimize the formation of tartar is to provide effective oral care. Teeth should be brushed with the right technique, 2 times a day, for 2 minutes, using dental floss or an interface brush. Bacterial plaque should be removed from the environment before it hardens. Even if an effective cleaning is provided after hardening, plaque cannot be removed from the environment and causes more tartar formation. Although adequate oral care is provided, there is an accumulation of tartar in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth.

When deep gingivitis occurs, tartar begins to accumulate on the root surface of the teeth. A professional dental calculus cleaning performed to remove dental calculi located around the gum and on the root surface is called curettage. In cases of inflammation spreading to the root surface, deterioration of the shape of the gum and bleeding are the most common symptoms. With curettage therapy, irregularities that occur on the root surface are removed and inflammations are removed from the tooth surface. In the curettage process, superficial dental calculi are cleaned first. Then, stones on the root surface are cleaned with special tools by applying local anesthesia. With the numbness provided during this procedure, patients do not feel any pain or discomfort.

There is no damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues with the tools used in dental calculus cleaning and curettage procedures. The cavities that form in the teeth when dental calculi are cleaned are anatomically the cavities found in every individual. After these procedures, hot and cold sensitivity may be experienced, and short-term bleeding may occur. When oral care is performed as recommended by the doctor, problems such as swelling, pain, bleeding experienced in the gums will disappear.

Gum Withdrawal
Gum removal is when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth retracts, exposing the root of the tooth. This is one of the most common mouth problems. It can be seen at almost any age. Gum removal can occur for various reasons. The main reasons for this are poor oral hygiene. Inadequate dental cleaning and lack of regular and proper oral care contribute to the transformation of plaque between teeth into tartar. Gum removal is inevitable if these dental stones are not removed in time with the help of professional cleaning. In addition, we can list the factors that cause gum removal as follows:

» Periodontal diseases
» Tobacco use
» Grinding of teeth/ clenching of teeth (bruxism)
» Genetic factors
» Pregnancy
» Hormonal changes
» Some systemic diseases
» Crooked teeth

The most important symptom of gum retraction is gum sensitivity. In addition, we can list the bleeding that occurs normally on the gums or during brushing, the appearance of teeth longer than usual, the redness and swelling observed on the gums.

For its treatment, first of all, in mild withdrawals, the affected area should be deeply cleaned by the dentist. Tartar removal is performed and then tartar on the root surface of the relevant tooth is removed; a smooth root surface is created that will make it difficult for bacteria to take hold. In addition, in case of advanced gum retraction, it is tried to replace the lost gum with various surgical interventions to be performed on the gum.

The most effective way to prevent gum retraction is proper oral hygiene. This problem can be prevented if oral and dental care is performed fully and regularly. Teeth should be properly brushed at least 2 times a day, dental floss should be used, and tartar cleaning should be carried out by a dentist in a professional manner at least once every 6 months.

Bleeding Gums
Gum bleeding, which usually occurs as a result of gum disorders, can also occur due to other health problems. Bleeding gums should not be seen as a normal thing that occurs in everyone, and the cause should definitely be investigated. In cases where the cause has been determined, treatment should not be postponed. We can list the causes of gum bleeding as follows:

» The formation of gingivitis with the failure to clean the plaque that occurs on the gum
» Insufficient attention is paid to oral care
» Improper use of toothbrush and dental floss
» Hormonal activities that change during pregnancy
» Some medications used, such as blood thinners
» Lack of certain vitamins and minerals as a result of unhealthy diet
» Diseases such as leukemia, platelet deficiency
» Stress
» Chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver and kidney failure
» Smoking
» Incompatible prosthetic use

If the plaque that occurs on the gums cannot be cleaned well, it leads to inflammation and bleeding of the gums. If the necessary treatment and precautions are not taken in this case, a disease called periodontitis may occur, which can cause jawbone and tooth loss as a result of the progression of gum disease.

The most common symptom in patients with gum problems is bleeding gums experienced during tooth brushing. In addition, symptoms such as red-purple gum color, swollen and edematous gums, sensitivity and whining occur when consuming hot and cold food are often experienced.

In order to prevent gum bleeding, it is necessary to find the cause first. In many patients, the cause of the disease can be determined by the dentist, and if necessary, it is referred to specialist doctors. In cases of bleeding caused by lack of oral hygiene, gum bleeding can be prevented with practices such as tartar cleaning, curettage and regular controls.
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