Canal Treatment

In order to treat infected, rotten teeth, cracked or broken teeth, teeth that have lost their vitality as a result of improperly performed restorations, the process of cleaning the infected nerve in the dental canals and filling the canal filling materials instead is called canal treatment. There are some symptoms that indicate that the tooth needs root canal treatment. These;
» Throbbing pains that keep you awake at night
» Extreme heat-cold sensitivity
» Severe pain during chewing
» Blue-purple coloration as a result of nerve loss in the tooth
» Abscess
» Lesions observed in the order of radiographic examination
» Bruises that have reached up to the canal mouths
» Extreme sensitivity
» Fractures caused by trauma to the tooth
» Highly made fillings / prostheses
» They are abrasions that have formed on the teeth for various reasons.
In the presence of these symptoms, starting the root canal treatment process without wasting any more time on the tooth allows us to prevent tooth loss. Root canal treatment is a painless procedure accompanied by anesthesia. First, the rotten tissue in the tooth is cleaned and removed. It reaches the channels in the root of the tooth and the vascular nerve package is removed. The root canal is shaped and filled with various medications. Then, the necessary restoration (filling, crowns ) is performed on the tooth.