Pink Aesthetics

In a healthy mouth, the gum should be light pink in color, gripping the teeth tightly, smooth and shiny. In order to have a smile aesthetic, our teeth and gums must be in perfect harmony and aesthetics. Teeth and gums are a whole for aesthetics and are the basic elements of a perfect smile. The fact that the gum level is different from the position where it should be both causes the length of the teeth to look too short or long and makes plaque removal difficult.
Procedures applied to aesthetically bad-looking or unhealthy gums are called gingival aesthetics or pink aesthetics. The treatment we call pink aesthetics is the aesthetic treatments and procedures applied to the gum. The purpose of gingival aesthetics can also be summarized as the equalization of gingival levels. In addition, procedures performed to eliminate inflamed and bleeding gums, purple gums, gum withdrawals and various gum diseases caused by gum damage and restore gum health are also among the pink aesthetic applying. Procedures such as the treatment of excessive sagging or pulled gums and the equalization of asymmetric gums are easily treated with pink aesthetics. In short, pink aesthetic applying cover procedures performed for gums with a healthy and aesthetic appearance.
Situations where the gums appear too much when laughing or talking are called gummy smiles. Excessive appearance of gums in patients with gummy smile causes the tooth length to appear shorter than it should be. In these cases, by shrinking the gum with pink aesthetics, we can achieve this look in a natural and aesthetic way.
As a result of edema caused by gingivitis, the shape of the gum also changes. The gums return to their normal shape when procedures such as cleaning the tartar are performed by intervening in the inflammation in a short period of time. But when gingivitis is not intervened for a long period of time, tissue loss occurs in the gums and the shape of the gums deteriorates. When the gum does not get its old shape within 2-3 weeks after the dental stone cleaning, the gums can be restored to a healthy appearance with pink aesthetic applying.
In cases where the roots of the teeth are exposed due to gum retraction, the teeth appear longer than they should and sensitivity occurs. The cause of gum retraction is usually due to faulty and inadequate oral care. In order for the treatment to be successful, the cause of gum retraction must be identified and eliminated. It is not possible for the receding gum to rise to its place. For this reason, a graft applying can be made to the extracted gum area with tissue taken from the palate area. In patients who do not want a surgical procedure such as a gum graft, aesthetic filling applying can be performed without any reduction in the tooth to correct the aesthetic appearance and eliminate the sensitivity problem.
The color of the gums also affects the aesthetic appearance. Just like skin color, gingival Decoloration varies between people, but healthy gums should be in light pink tones. The fact that the gums get a purplish color is associated with gingivitis, but it can also be due to smoking and the use of certain medications. For the ideal color, the treatments recommended by the dentist should be applied, smoking should not be used.
Healthy and aesthetic-looking gums are obtained with pink aesthetic applying. As the gum tissue becomes healthier, sensitivity, bleeding and inflammation in the gums disappear. By bringing the gum to its ideal size, an aesthetic smile is provided in a way that is compatible with the teeth. The size of the gums is evaluated by the dentist before treatment and the image planned to be formed by treatment is explained to the patient. Local anesthesia is applied so that patients do not feel any pain during the procedures. Although the recovery time after treatment varies from person to person, the gums heal healthily within an average of 2 weeks. Wound healing in the gingival tissue occurs quite quickly.