Oral Health and Dental Treatments During Pregnancy
Contrary to what is known among the public, it is not possible for the baby to cause tooth loss by Decanting calcium from the teeth. However, when saliva becomes acidic during pregnancy, teeth become prone to decay, especially after vomiting in the first months, pregnant women's lack of attention to oral hygiene increases the risk of caries. Gum problems, on the other hand, increase with hormonal changes. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis and it heals spontaneously after childbirth. When brushing is avoided because gum bleeding occurs, more bacteria accumulates in the gums, the amount of swelling and bleeding increases.
In order to protect oral and dental health during the pregnancy period, all dental checks should definitely be performed before a planned pregnancy. When pregnancy is planned or after learning that you are pregnant, you should definitely visit the dentist, the necessary treatment plans should be made. If a pregnant woman who had good general health and dental health before, does oral care throughout her pregnancy without interruption, she is not expected to encounter different dental problems than a normal person.
Dental and gum problems increase the risk of having a low-weight baby. Therefore, pregnant women should pay more attention to their oral care and nutrition. The baby's dental development is the 2nd of pregnancy. It starts in the month and foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins should be consumed adequately for healthy dental development. Fruits and vegetables, cereals, milk, meat, fish and eggs, which are the main foods rich in vitamins A,C, D, phosphorus and calcium, should be taken in a balanced way. Sugar should not be taken as much as possible, sticky sugary foods such as dried fruits and caramel should be avoided.
It is absolutely necessary to avoid unconscious drug use during pregnancy, as it may be harmful to the baby. Trying to fudge toothache with antibiotics and painkillers is a very wrong and dangerous behavior. During the pregnancy period, urgent and non-urgent dental treatments can be performed by consulting with the obstetrician. In emergency cases accompanied by severe pain, treatment can be performed at any time during pregnancy, while procedures that can be postponed should be postponed until after childbirth.
The first 3 months of pregnancy are the most sensitive period. When toothache is removed during this period, it is necessary to go to the dentist to prevent harm to the mother and baby. The 3-6 month period of pregnancy is the most suitable period for dental treatments. During this period, procedures such as tooth extraction, filling and root canal treatment, which are not considered appropriate to be postponed until after pregnancy, can be performed. In the 6-9 month period, only emergency treatments should be performed due to the difficulty of the mother sitting on the couch and the fact that the birth is close.
During the pregnancy period, X-rays can be taken using a lead apron in mandatory cases, but it is necessary to avoid it as much as possible for the first 3 months. Written approval must be obtained from the obstetrician for all kinds of medications and anesthesia to be used during pregnancy.